Flumpool - Answer English Lyrics (Translation)/ Answer 歌詞 英訳/
Flumpool(フランプール)- Answer(英訳) Flumpool - answer English lyrics (translation) Album: Experience Please ask if you would like to use my lyrics! MAKE SURE you credit me! ...even though my translation isn't perfect :S 君はまだ 信じているかい? 失った 遠き夢の影 俯いて 疲れていないかい? 声もなく 理解もない日々 Do you still believe? The lost dream far away Ashamed, you're not tired? The days without a voice, and without understanding “君のために生きていたい”と 心はまだ疼いてる Your heart is still throbbing with "I want to live for you" 挫けるんじゃないと 煽る夜明け 君のその胸に 秘めた祈りを 暖めたいんだ 消えぬように この身は削れたっていい 答えがあるなら それが愛なら Not(?) being discouraged, the stirred up dawn Your hidden prayer in your heart that you wanted to warm, so that it could vanish You can plane this body (*??) If there is an answer, if that is love 何(なん)のため ここにいるのか? 誰のため 傷ついてくのか? 輝きを 貰えた記憶 引きずったまま 積もってく抜け殻 For what are you here for? For who are you heart for? The radiant memory (*?)(lit:The memory that received radiance) The the empty shells pili...