
Showing posts from 2013

Flumpool - 傘の下で君は English Lyrics (Translation) / Underneath the umbrella, you are 歌詞 英訳

作曲:阪井一生 作詞︰山村隆太 歌詞:傘の下で君は I couldn't find an MV, so here's a audio file: 満たせぬまま 君は去ってった 土に還る 花びらのよう 望むもの 揃えれぬ僕を 迷わずおいて 眩いまま You left, seeming satisfied Returning to earth, like a flower petal I was able to collect all the things I desired I lost my way, blinded by the light 可憐なステイタス 溢れる程のキャリア 見とれた 瞳はいま しなやかに寂しい A poor status, a full-filling career The charmed pupil is now flexibly sad 降り注ぐ日差し 黒い傘の下で君は その笑顔遮断しながら 涙溜め込んでゆく 盲目な恋 妥協しても愛するような そんな本当の幸せ 君に感じさせてあげれずに Rays of sunlight through a downpour, beneath the dark umbrella you While your face is blocked off, you're saving your tears Blind love、even with compromise, you still love I want to make you feel this kind of happiness 愛想をまき 強気なフリしても 繊細すぎる 母性が愛しい Politely (??) , even if you confidently do things freely It's too delicate, motherhood is dear こんなにくれたもの 形なき砥石のよう 「愛する喜び」渡せなかった事実 The truth is that I couldn't pass on this thing called "rejoicing in love"; the shape was l...

Flumpool - Touch English Lyrics (Translation)

Flumpool(フランプール)- Touch(英訳) Flumpool - Touch English lyrics (translation) Album: Experience Please ask if you would like to use my lyrics! MAKE SURE you credit me! ...even though my translation isn't perfect :S 何回 聞いてきた台詞に 僕は頷いてみせる 足元に散らかった 君の理想 集めながら How many times have I nodded to these lines? While your ideals are collected, they are scattered at your feet 「ちゃんと分かってるつもり」なんて言い逃れる僕に その瞳 潤ませて健気に笑う君 思い知る愛 The words "I plan to understand exactly" somehow escaped This pupil has become teary, you struggle to laugh and I realize it's love 触れていたい 離さない 指先まで全部 鼓動さえ 君と合わせたいんだ 虜にしてくれよ 今宵そっと 光へと touch I want to feel touched, I don't want to separate, until the fingertips, everything Even just a heartbeat, I want to match yours I'll be under your spell*, Tonight, let's go softly towards the light and touch 何度 確かめ合っても 僕ら満たされなくて とめどなく溢れてる 想いが今日も膨れっ面 No matter how many times we check with each other, we're never satisfied Endlessly overfl...

Flumpool - Answer English Lyrics (Translation)/ Answer 歌詞 英訳/

Flumpool(フランプール)- Answer(英訳) Flumpool - answer English lyrics (translation) Album: Experience Please ask if you would like to use my lyrics! MAKE SURE you credit me! ...even though my translation isn't perfect :S 君はまだ 信じているかい? 失った 遠き夢の影 俯いて 疲れていないかい? 声もなく 理解もない日々 Do you still believe? The lost dream far away Ashamed, you're not tired? The days without a voice, and without understanding “君のために生きていたい”と 心はまだ疼いてる Your heart is still throbbing with "I want to live for you" 挫けるんじゃないと 煽る夜明け 君のその胸に 秘めた祈りを 暖めたいんだ 消えぬように この身は削れたっていい 答えがあるなら それが愛なら Not(?) being discouraged, the stirred up dawn Your hidden prayer in your heart that you wanted to warm, so that it could vanish You can plane this body (*??) If there is an answer, if that is love 何(なん)のため ここにいるのか? 誰のため 傷ついてくのか? 輝きを 貰えた記憶 引きずったまま 積もってく抜け殻 For what are you here for? For who are you heart for? The radiant memory (*?)(lit:The memory that received radiance) The the empty shells pili...

Flumpool - 36℃ English lyrics (translation) / 36℃ 歌詞 英訳/

Flumpool(フランプール)- 36℃(英訳) Flumpool - 36℃ English lyrics (translation) Album: Experience Please ask if you would like to use my lyrics! MAKE SURE you credit me! ...even though my translation isn't perfect :S 息遣いひとつさえ愛しい すべての時計の針を止めたいほどに Even just one breath is dear As much as I want to stop all the hands on the clock 同じ毛布に 包(くる)まって この街の この小さな部屋の隅で Wrapped in the same blanket In the corner of this small room of this city 窓を打つ 雨は 止まない素振り なのにさ 君の体温(ぬくもり)だけで この胸に太陽(ひ)は昇る Although(The behaviour of) the rain that doesn't stop hitting the window Only against your warmth, the sun in my heart ascends そっと 抱きしめて 傷まで 温めあって 36℃の熱情(おもい) 重ね合わせ 決して 離さない どんなに 引き裂かれたって ずっと 心の奥には 君しかいない 目を閉じて ほら 触れて 夢じゃない愛 Gently hugging, until even the scars warm The 36℃ passion overlaps Erase, not separating, (asking) How were we separated You are always the only one in my heart I close my eyes, and there, I feel this real (*D.T = non-dream) love 雨が上がったら出掛けよう ふたりなら 未来が景色を拓く ...

Flumpool - どんな未来にも愛はある English Lyrics (Translation) / In whatever future, there is love 歌詞 英訳

Flumpool(フランプール)- どんな未来にも愛はある歌詞(英訳) Flumpool - In whatever future, there is love English lyrics (translation) Album: Touch, and Experience Please ask if you would like to use my lyrics! MAKE SURE you credit me! ...even though my translation isn't perfect :S ただ、あなたが笑ってくれるから 僕は生きてゆける もし この声が涸れてもね 唄うから 歓びの歌 美しく輝くほどに 心に咲く花よ いま称えよう どんな未来にも愛はある Just because you laughed, I can live Even if this voice dries up, since I'm singing, it's a joyful song As beautiful and sparkling as the flower blooming in the heart Let's give praise now, in whatever future there will be love たったひとつだけ言える事があって あなたに出逢うまで希望など見えなくて この想いに偽りなどはない (あのが)篝火(かがりび)のような 守りたい光 There's only one thing that can be said I can't wait until I meet you (lit: Until I meet you, I can't see hope) This thought is not a fabrication The light I want to protect like that bonfire その胸の奥 塞いだ 孤独に触れたい 解(ほど)いてごらんよ もう一人にさせはしない Inside this heart, it has built up (?) , I want to experience this ...

Shunsuke Kiyokiba - 生きる証ー清木場俊介 English Lyrics (Translation) / Proof of Living 歌詞 英訳

作詞:清木場俊介 作曲:清木場俊介・川根来音 Lyrics: Shunsuke Kiyokiba Composer: Shunsuke Kiyokiba, Raine (?) Kawane Please ask if you would like to use my lyrics! MAKE SURE you credit me! ...even though my translation isn't perfect :S 迷うと云う事はそう!貴方が生きてる証さ! 悩む事はそう!貴方が生きてるって云う事だよ! The very fact of you saying that you're lost is the proof that you're living! Worries are exactly what is it to be living! (*) もしも貴方が傷ついたなら… 生きているんだ!と 笑って見せてよ!ほら貴方は大丈夫だよ! If you have been hurt, you are living! Try smiling! There, you're fine! そう貴方も僕も この広い世界で 精一杯に生き抜いているから 何も怖がらないでおくれ Yes, you and me, in this vast world Since we're surviving with all our might, don't be afraid of anything もしも淋しくなったら 明日を抱いて眠れば… 大丈夫だから迷った時は 僕が傍に居るよ! If you become lonely, hold on tomorrow and if you sleep... It's ok, when you lose your way, I will be by your side! 誰かの事羨んだり 憎んだりする前に 自分は「幸せなんだ!」と信じてみよう Being envious of someone, before hating someone Let's try to believe in our ”This is hap...