
Showing posts from September, 2010

The First Few Weeks in Korea: Orientation week and First week of school

Orientation. Day 1, Day 2, Seoul city tour. It was very hot that first day! Actually Seoul was quite hot the first month or so I was here, but not anything I wasn't expecting. Having spent a few summers in Singapore, I expected it to be of similar humidity, which to me it was. However, a few other girls from Singapore found Seoul more humid than Singapore. Well, I feel quite sticky and sweaty in both countries, so it feels the same. Vancouver summers are different - we do sweat too, but I find the actual heat more strong, and it is not that humid. Anyways, once I found my group, group 8, the girl who had the attendance sheet turned out to be my buddy! After a little while, we watched a video about KU (which I think I actually have seen on youtube before, or at least some version of it) and listened to some introductory speeches. I think we had lunch after that. It was still Ramadan, so I wasn't eating but I still joined my buddy and the other 2 in our group (she has 3 bu

The First Few Weeks in Korea: First Few days

Wow, where do I begin? I've been in Seoul, Korea for just over a month now. Although time has gone by quite fast, and I can also say that a lot has happened in just these few weeks. But perhaps, the very beginning is a good place to start. I shall start off with Vancouver International Airport. I left at 3am on Thursday, August 19th (basically Wednesday night). My family, my cousin, and 4 of my Japanese friends came to see me off at the airport. It was very nice to receive thoughtful cards from family members. My sister even made me a pack of inspirational quotes, in addition to her long letter to me (I love long letters!). My cousin made me a photo album of various good times we spent together over the last few years. However, everyone told me that I could only read these cards once I got in. But even before I got to read those wonderful thoughtful cards, I, of course, had to say goodbye. I knew that there was definitely going to be some tear-shedding, because I would be go