
Showing posts from July, 2015

My first car and transitions.

I really haven't been keeping up with my blog posts. I actually have a few in my "drafts" but never finished them. There are a few posts where I couldn't fix the formatting properly though. Even one of my new year resolutions was to write at-least 6 non-lyric blog posts this year. It's the middle of July and I believe this is my first non-lyric one.  I probably should stop trying to make sure everything is 100% complete and just go for it! So, I bought my first car today. EVER. Somehow, feeling slightly more like an adult. That's probably a good thing - recently I've been thinking a lot about my past and my memories (both good and not-so-good), wanting to return to past times - either to enjoy those moments in childhood, or wishing I could change something. Of course, it's impossible to go back to the past, but sometimes it feels like you can't help but wish you could; it's hard to change your thoughts and mood once you're set on that p