
Showing posts from 2018

HY - Letter English Lyrics translation/ HY - てがみ 歌詞 英訳

てがみ 作詞:TUN 作曲:TUN Lyrics: TUN Composition: TUN Video is "5 centimeters per second", a Japanese film, with "Tegami" as the audio. 見慣れた文字で君から手紙が届いた いつもの真っ白でキレイなシンプルな封筒 何度も何度もその手紙を読み返すよ 読めば読むほどに君のキモチがほら伝わるよ In familiar characters, your letter arrived Always in a blank, pretty, simple envelope I keep re-reading that letter over and over again The more I read it, the more your feelings are - look! - conveyed あの日ふたりは出会い同じ季節を歩く 春夏秋冬 どれも思い出すたびに思う ふたりで歩いた坂道や やたら狭い道 どれもこれも思い出は濃ゆすぎてならない On that day, the two of us met, and walked through the same season Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, whichever, every time I recall The hill road we walked on, the overly narrow road Each and every memory are all too deep 今なら君は振り向いてくれるかな あれから長い月日が経ったけど やっぱり恋には時効などないのかな 今日も君を後悔と共に思いながら I wonder if you're looking back right now Even though it's been so long since then I guess for love, there aren't things like time limitations