
Yatsushiro, Japan. 

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't remember Yatsushiro.  With Kumamon paraphernalia, school posters, and letters decorating my room, songs on my phone/laptop that have already become associated with my time there, and the memories that I carry with me wherever I go, how can I ever forget?

It's March 9th today.  The name of one of the songs from Remioromen. It's a graduation song.

Soon, my 3rd year Junior High School students will be graduating.  I remember. When I first taught them when they were in grade 6, three and a half years ago.  I saw these children grow into the teenagers they are today.  I loved the energy and joy that these students had.  They'll soon enter high school, beyond the realm of whatever influence I may have had.

Soon, my grade sixes will graduate.  I remember.  When I told a particular class that I would be leaving them for good that summer.  How some of the students cried, how one student told me that she thought I was going to be with them through to graduation, how she wanted me to be there for her graduation.

Soon, my little third-year kindergarten students will graduate from their comforting schools where holding on to teachers is the norm, to big-kid school where they will learn to take care of themselves little by little. I remember.  When all I had to say was "Good morning!" and that would send them all off into a fit of continuous jumps and giggles.

It's been just over 6 months since I left. Those feelings of missing my students, fellow teachers, friends, schools, and my life in Yatsushiro sometimes wanes, and fades a little into the background.   But other times, those feelings creep up, developing into an explosion of emotion.  Now, is one of those times.  Wishing I could have known in some way how to more effectively work in my schools, wishing I could have spent more quality time with my students and how to keep in touch with them, and simply just missing being with them.

But, I know that I should fight these feelings of not being good enough, that I could have or should done more, that perhaps some of this is selfish.  That I should be grateful for being a part of the lives that I was a part of, even if it was short.  I am very fortunate to have experienced such wonderful moments of joy with these students.

I remember.  The voices that called me, the hands that held me, the faces that smiled at me, and the hearts that warmed me.



今日は3月9日だ。 レミオロメンの一つの曲の名前。卒業歌。



もうすぐ、年長さんたちが卒業する。先生が抱っこするのが普通の幼稚園からちょとずつ自ら自分自身を面倒見る大きいな子供の学校に卒業する。思い出す。「Good Morning] を言いさえすればで、子供達が飛んだりして、くすくす笑って。

離れて半年ぐらいたった。生徒、先生、友達、学校、と八代の生活を恋しい感じが減りつつある。でも、たまにその気持ちがドンドン大きくなって、感傷が爆発するのを感じることがある。 今、その時だ。学校でもっと効果的に仕事し、生徒とより良い時間をもっと過ごして、生徒と連絡する方法を知るべきであった。ただ、離れて寂しい。




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