最後の運動会+今年の最初のEnglish Club! / My last sports festival + the first English club of the (school) year!


中学校の運動会は普通は5月だけど、今年から10月にする予定なので、もう見れなくなりました T.T。去年、小学校の運動会の日の前の日私が引っ越した(アパート、ずっと八代)のですが、引っ越し業者が遅く来て、運動会の日はまだバタバタしていたので、少しだけしか見れなかった。なので、去年の運動会から、ずっと、ぜひぜひぜひ、今年は一日中運動会に行く!!!と思っていたので、こういう風にしました。少しだけど、最後の運動会見られて、良かったです!

 英語掲示板を見せて、カナダとシンガポール(掲示板の内容)に興味があるようでした!昼休みに、今年の最初のEnglish Clubがありました!朝、一人の先生が中学校一年生10人が興味がありそうだと言って、その後、違う先生が中学校一年生20人に興味がありそうだと言いました。結局、新メンバーは4人だけど、嬉しいです!その4人は可愛行くて素敵な中学校一年生の男の子です!


英語掲示板 (English Board)

On Monday,  I went to the last sports undoukai (sports festival) as a Yatsushiro ALT.  Originally, the undoukai was supposed to happen on Sunday, but it rained, and the undoukai was moved to Monday instead.  But, because I had work at my Junior High School, I didn't think I could go. However, I asked, was able to take a little bit of vacation time, and although it was very short, I was able to go to my two different elementary school undoukais.

Usually, the Junior High school undokai is also in May, but from this school year, they are having it in October, so I can no longer see it T.T  Last year, the day before the elementary school undoukai was the day I moved (apartements, still Yatsushiro), but the moving company was late, so the day of the undoukai, I still wasn't settled the next day, so I could only see a little bit. So, since that undoukai last year, I thought I defnitely, definitely, definitely, have to go the whole day!!! So it became like this.  Although it was short, I'm glad I was able to go to my last undoukai

I was also very busy at my Junior High school that day.  During the special needs class, I showed the students and teachers my English board, and they seemed interested in Canada and Singapore (some of the contents on the board).  At lunch time, I had my first English Club of the school year! In the morning, one teacher told me about 10 students were interested, and later, a different teacher told me around 20 students were interested.  In the end, there were only 4 new members, but I was still happy! The new members are four cute and awesome JHS first-year boys!

The time I have left...is already only about 2 months left now and it's flown by, but I want to try my best until the end!!


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