Flumpool - どんな未来にも愛はある English Lyrics (Translation) / In whatever future, there is love 歌詞 英訳

Flumpool(フランプール)- どんな未来にも愛はある歌詞(英訳)
Flumpool - In whatever future, there is love English lyrics (translation)
Album: Touch, and Experience

Please ask if you would like to use my lyrics! MAKE SURE you credit me!
...even though my translation isn't perfect :S

ただ、あなたが笑ってくれるから 僕は生きてゆける
もし この声が涸れてもね 唄うから 歓びの歌
美しく輝くほどに 心に咲く花よ
いま称えよう どんな未来にも愛はある
Just because you laughed, I can live
Even if this voice dries up, since I'm singing, it's a joyful song
As beautiful and sparkling as the flower blooming in the heart
Let's give praise now, in whatever future there will be love

(あのが)篝火(かがりび)のような 守りたい光
There's only one thing that can be said
I can't wait until I meet you (lit: Until I meet you, I can't see hope)
This thought is not a fabrication
The light I want to protect like that bonfire

その胸の奥 塞いだ 孤独に触れたい
解(ほど)いてごらんよ もう一人にさせはしない
Inside this heart, it has built up (?) , I want to experience this loneliness (?)
I want to try to solve this、 I don't want to replace another person

ただ、あなたが笑ってくれるから 僕は生きてゆける
もし この声が涸れてもね 唄うから 歓びの歌
美しく輝くほどに 心に咲く花よ
いま称えよう どんな未来にも愛はある
Just because you laughed, I can live
Even if this voice dries up, since I'm singing, it's a joyful song
As beautiful and sparkling as the flower blooming in the heart
Let's give praise now, in whatever future there will be love

Even losing everything and anything
There is a tomorrow(*morning) with you that wants to give fittingly

慌てなくていい ゆっくり育んでゆこう
数えてみようか 願った星の数を
We don't have to rush, Let's go slowly
Shall we count? The number of stars I've wished upon

いま、あなたが涙に暮れるなら 傍で唄っているから
“負けないで”が辛い響きなら 言葉じゃなく紡ぐ旋律(しらべ)v 苦しみも刹那も越えて この世に咲く花よ
瞳(め)を閉じてよ 芽吹いた“絆”はここにある
Now, if your tears are becoming dark, since I'm( I'll?) be singing
If "Don't give in!" is a bitter echo, it's not a word, spin a melody (?)
Even it's painful, even for a moment it crosses over , a flower blooms in this world
Close your eyes, a "bond" that has budded is here

あなたが足を止めるのなら 僕はそこに腰を下ろして
ともに歩めることが 何より愛しいから
If your feet give up, I'll lower my back for you (*meaning give "あなた” a piggyback)
Because above all, walking together is most beloved

ただ、あなたが笑ってくれるから 僕は生きてゆける
もし この声が涸れてもね 唄うから 歓びの歌
美しく輝くほどに 心に咲く花よ
いま称えよう どんな未来にも愛はある
Just because you laughed, I can live
Even if this voice dries up, since I'm singing, it's a joyful song
As beautiful and sparkling as the flower blooming in the heart
Let's give praise now, in whatever future there will be love

どんな未来にも きっと愛はある
Now, let's devote (ourselves)
In whatever future there is, there will definitely be love


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