
Showing posts from 2016

Kindergarten in Japan (Yochien 幼稚園)

In April of my first year (so two semesters after I began JET), they added two schools to list of schools; 2 Kindergartens.  They are more just like visits as I only see each one twice a semester. However, that doesn't mean the kids are any less excited to see me just because they only see me twice a semester; in fact, I would say it's the opposite! When I have KG, I know that I'll be having a day full of energy, smiles, and at the very least, many hi-5s if not more, from these little balls of energy. Difference between KG in Japan vs Vancouver (and other parts of North America) In Japan, Kindergarten, or Yochien (幼稚園) in Japanese, is different than Kindergarten where I grew in Vancouver. 1) Kindergarten is its own separate school apart from Elementary school in Japan. In Vancouver, it's the grade preceding grade one, but still within elementary school. 2) Kindergarten covers 3 distinct levels in Japan. Nenchou (年長) - kids turning 6 in this school year Nenc

Starting to tell my students / 伝え始めました

月曜日、ラマダンが始まって、私が夏に帰るのを生徒にも伝え始めました。 小学校Bの6年生に伝えた時、一人の女の子が泣いてきました。その子を見て、私も熱いものが込み上げてきました。その後、他の女の子もほとんど泣きました。先生として、皆を元気付けようとして、「(昼休みの鬼ごっこで)私よりもっと速い人がいますか?」と彼らに尋ねました。鬼ごっこを始める前に女の子達からいくつの手紙をもらいました。一人が「 私はマナ先生は私たちが卒業するまでいっしょにいてほしかったです。。まだ2ヶ月くらいあるのになみだがとまりませんでした 」と書いていました。 心が。。。 引っ越しの準備の間、心の準備をするのはなんかつらいです。 On Monday, Ramadan started and I also started telling my students I am leaving this summer. When I told the grade 6s at Elementary School B, one girl started crying. Looking at her made me teary-eyed too. Soon after, most of the other girls started crying as well. As a teacher, I wanted to try to cheer them up, so I asked them "Is there anyone faster than me!?" in regards to playing tag during the lunch break. Before we played tag, I got a number of letters from the girls. One girl wrote " I wanted you to be with us until we graduated... Although there's still about 2 months, my tears haven't stopped ". My heart... Among the things on

最後の運動会+今年の最初のEnglish Club! / My last sports festival + the first English club of the (school) year!

月曜日、八代のALTとして、最後の運動会(小学校)を見に行きました。もともと、日曜日にするはずだったけど、雨が降って、月曜日になりました。でも、月曜日は中学校で働いているので、行けないだろうと思いました。でも、聞いてみたら、ちょっと年休を取れたので、少しだけですが、私の二ヶ所の小学校の運動会を見に行きました。 中学校の運動会は普通は5月だけど、今年から10月にする予定なので、もう見れなくなりました T.T。去年、小学校の運動会の日の前の日私が引っ越した(アパート、ずっと八代)のですが、引っ越し業者が遅く来て、運動会の日はまだバタバタしていたので、少しだけしか見れなかった。なので、去年の運動会から、ずっと、ぜひぜひぜひ、今年は一日中運動会に行く!!!と思っていたので、こういう風にしました。少しだけど、最後の運動会見られて、良かったです!  その他にも、中学校で、だいぶ忙しく楽しい日でした!特別支援の授業で、生徒と先生に  英語掲示板を見せて、カナダとシンガポール(掲示板の内容)に興味があるようでした!昼休みに、今年の最初のEnglish Clubがありました!朝、一人の先生が中学校一年生10人が興味がありそうだと言って、その後、違う先生が中学校一年生20人に興味がありそうだと言いました。結局、新メンバーは4人だけど、嬉しいです!その4人は可愛行くて素敵な中学校一年生の男の子です!  残り時間はもう。。2ヶ月間ぐらいになって、あという間ですけど、最後まで頑張りたいと思います!! 英語掲示板 (English Board) On Monday,  I went to the last sports undoukai (sports festival) as a Yatsushiro ALT.  Originally, the undoukai was supposed to happen on Sunday, but it rained, and the undoukai was moved to Monday instead.  But, because I had work at my Junior High School, I didn't think I could go. However, I asked, was ab

3 years ago at this time...

3年前のこの時期だった。 JET programmeの合格通知メールをもらった。今でもその日を覚えてる。 それまで毎日何回もメールをチェックしていたが、合否を知らせるメールが来ていなかったので、もうメールが来ないんだぁ気がしていたが、その時届いたメールをくせでまた開いた。 その時、大学の最後の月で校内のコンピューター室にいた。 合格メールだった! 超嬉しくて、涙が出そうだった。で、最後のEAL programの会議があって、いつもコーディネーターが皆に最近の報告や報告したいニュースがあるか訪ねていてので、そのとても嬉しいニュースを発表して、EALプログラムでならったスキールズを現実にできるので良かったと思った。 合格通知を受けてすぐ誰かと喜びを共有できて、良かった。 その年聞いたこの歌は今も記憶に残っている。 It was 3 years, at this time. I got the email saying I got into JET. I still remember that day, even now. Until then, I was checking my email multiple times a day but I still didn't get the email saying whether I got in or not. I felt like, this email is just not going come!, but out of habit, I checked my email again.. At that time, it was my last month at my univirsity, and  I was in the school computer lab. I got the email saying I got in! I was so happy that I felt I could cry.  Then, I had the very last meeting for the EAL program. The coordinator always asks us what we have been up to and if we ha

Busy and Fun Weekend! Part 2 - Choco Run and the Kanken test!

On Saturday, a couple of girlfriends and I went to the Choco Run in Fukuoka! You heard me,  CHOCO run! Most runs have stations every little while with water, sports drinks and some fruits, like bananas. This race has one rest station and it's full of chocolate! Each loop is 2.5 km, and we did the 5km event. Unlike my regular races, I did not opt for a timed run because I wanted to enjoy what the event was made for - eating chocolate!  I though it would be mostly women, and it was, but there was also still a number of male participants as well.  It was set-up so that the first booth area was chocolate from around the world. Other booths included particular specialty chocolates, a fondue area, and a variety area.  My friends went ahead but I was still sampling the chocolates from the "around the world" booth. I came to eat chocolate, Ok! After the event finished, we went to the playground. Although I'm in my mid-twenties now, I still love playgrounds. Then we made a

Busy and Fun weekend! Part 1 - Elementary school Girls' Basketball!

This past weekend was a very busy and fun weekend! On Friday, after working at my Junior High School, I went to ES A's girls' basketball practice.  I was a little nervous because this was my first practice of theirs I was attending.When I entered, the girls ran from their practice to greet me with smiles, warmth, and joy.  They are sweet girls.  They invited me to join in their practice, and I was happy to accept their invitation.  The teacher in charge of the basketball team is a grade 6 homeroom teacher so I work with him often. I had told him before that if I have time, I would really like to go to some of their practices and games, so sometimes he gives me their schedule. I actually wanted to attend their basketball tournament the following day because it was the last game the grade 6 girls would be playing before they graduated from Elementary school. However, because I had other plans the following day, which I will talk about in my next post, I wasn't able to atten